Fanzine Ynfytyn 34 (2019)

Available in the shop 24 page 1/4 sized perzine on gold paper about studying Classics and Ancient History The Cambridge Latin Course- death by volcano, poisoned holy water or crocodile? Why actually studying Classics is nothing like Donna Tartt’s novel Roman love poet rundown: Tibullus is a soft wet boy I am bad at Medieval…

Categorized as Zines

Fanzine Ynfytyn 33.5 (2018)

8 page 1/4 sized perzine on pink paper. Available in the shop About that time Ernest Hemingway’s heirs sent me a cease and desist for drawing his face

Categorized as Zines

Fanzine Ynfytyn 32.5 (2018)

Available in the shop 18 page 1/4 sized perzine on pink paper. One long essay about various things. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas Borges and Calvino Do actuaries secretly rule the world? Getting your revenge on society via accountancy Last Year at Marienbad

Categorized as Zines

Fanzine Ynfytyn 32 (2018)

Available in the shop 24 page 1/4 sized perzine on purple paper Suspicious whispering The joys of Latin Cogidubnus Aquariums Oulipo word games

Categorized as Zines

Keep It Clean (2017)

Available in the shop 24 page 1/4 sized zine on yellow paper about keeping your place nice with low effort. Bathrooms and kitchens Bedding and towels Mmm that smells good

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Fanzine Ynfytyn 31 (2017)

Available in the shop 36 page 1/4 sized perzine on green paper + mini colour zine A split zine about a last-minute to holiday to Croatia this summer, and then a work trip to Slovenia two weeks later. The beautiful Dalmatian coast Game of Thrones location mania The joy of the humble burek Hostel life…

Categorized as Zines

Film Photography 101 (2017)

  Available in the shop 24 page 1/4 sized zine on green paper teaching you all the basics of film photography in a friendly jargon-free way. Vintage camera types How to fix common issues with second-hand cameras How to clean vintage cameras Lenses explained Film types and sizes Cross-processing Uses of filters Aperture explained Shutter speed…

Categorized as Zines

Being Editors 1- Diana Wynne Jones (revised 2017)

Available in the shop 40 page 1/4 sized zine on purple paper A selection of essays about children’s author Diana Wynne Jones. How I started reading DWJ Complete bibliography Interview with Diana DWJ and the curse of the terrible cover art Things reading Diana’s books has taught me My favourite: Fire and Hemlock My favourite: the Ogre…

Categorized as Zines

Fanzine Ynfytyn 30 (2017)

Available in the shop 36 page 1/4 sized perzine on pink paper About failing to study at Oxbridge, and then the miserable experience of working there. How do you continue a system of closed doors and in-group privilege (and keep the riff-raff like you and me out) in a tertiary education system where all universities…

Categorized as Zines